Our Company

We call our educational division Growth Products for good reason. Our products are designed to not only ensure student success but are also specially designed to ensure student growth in the areas of writing, reading, and analysis. We focus on the development of educational materials that are diverse, challenging, and unique. These materials are found in the form of Document Based Questions, Essay Questions, Research Assignments, as well as a variety of notecards and study aids.

Our Philosophy

To cultivate growth, assignments must not only be challenging but should be scaffolded to support student growth.  When a student completes one of our assignments, not only has their academic skills increased but also their confidence.

The Study of History

Our Approach to the Study of History

We strive to prepare students to interpret, criticize, and analyze historical ideas and arguments presented in a wide variety of diverse secondary and/or primary sources. We accomplish this by developing guided practice questioning, incorporating scaffolding, and strengthening reading comprehension skills. Our products encourage students to approach the study of history from a multicultural perspective that allows them to understand historical events from multiple viewpoints.